Welcome to the Petting Zoo. This is the world’s only comedy show featuring live exotic animals. New York’s top comics have to perform while holding snakes, birds, lizards, bugs, and other cool creatures. Between sets, you can interact up-close with the animals and learn from Ranger Eric Powers and his team of professional nature guides. We promise you haven’t been to a show like this.
Hosted by Mike Kandel and Charlie Sosnick!
Featuring Wally Baram, Indigo Asim, and Matt Goldich!
Friday, November 1st. 8pm. Tickets!
Welcome to the Petting Zoo. This is the world’s only comedy show featuring live exotic animals. New York’s top comics have to perform while holding snakes, birds, lizards, bugs, and other cool creatures. Between sets, you can interact up-close with the animals and learn from Ranger Eric Powers and his team of professional nature guides. We promise you haven’t been to a show like this.
Hosted by Mike Kandel and Charlie Sosnick!
Featuring Wally Baram, Indigo Asim, and Matt Goldich!
Friday, November 1st. 8pm. Tickets!
halloween party!
We'll be celebrating All Souls Day with a big old Halloween party. Wear costumes!
Saturday, November 2nd. 9pm. Free!
Saturday, November 2nd. 9pm. Free!
Join us for an enchanting evening of poetry (and maybe a farewell). Five talented poets will take the stage to share their pieces full of hope, love, sorrow and everything in between. Whether you're a lifelong poetry lover or new to the art form, this event will leave you reflecting on the beauty and complexity of our shared stories. It will be an evening to remember.
Hosted by: Kajal Patil and Samanvitha Danda
Featuring: Jean - Sebastien Surena, Leilani and Sonia Mukherji
Saturday, November 9th. 6pm. Tickets!
Join us for an enchanting evening of poetry (and maybe a farewell). Five talented poets will take the stage to share their pieces full of hope, love, sorrow and everything in between. Whether you're a lifelong poetry lover or new to the art form, this event will leave you reflecting on the beauty and complexity of our shared stories. It will be an evening to remember.
Hosted by: Kajal Patil and Samanvitha Danda
Featuring: Jean - Sebastien Surena, Leilani and Sonia Mukherji
Saturday, November 9th. 6pm. Tickets!
Bring clothes, get clothes!
Tuesday, November 12th. 6pm.
Bring clothes, get clothes!
Tuesday, November 12th. 6pm.